This past Saturday during the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Thomas S. Monson announced that the age for young men to serve full-time missions had been changed from 19 to 18, and the age for young women to serve had been changed from 21 to 19.
Oh my gracious.
As Heather, who writes Women in the Scriptures, wrote,
While this age change certainly affects young men's plans it changes everything for the young women. I don't think that there will be tons more young men serving missions because of the change but there are going to be thousands of young women who will.So, so true.
This changes everything. Now thousands of young women can receive their temple endowments years sooner and receive the blessings of serving missions in the kingdom of God.
For the past few years I have yearned so much to go to the temple, and honestly, I felt a little cheated that I couldn't go as soon as I wanted to. Why should all these young men I knew get to go so soon, and I would have to wait for several more years? Wasn't I worthy? Didn't I understand and appreciate the significance of what happens in the temple? Why did I have to wait?
About a year and a half ago, shortly after my sister left on her mission to Vina del Mar, Chile, I prayed to know whether or not I should go to the temple to receive my own endowment. The Church Handbook of Instructions states that bishops and stake presidents may determine that a young woman who is not about to serve a mission or get married may go to the temple based on her spiritual maturity and understanding. I met with my bishop, who counseled me to ask the Lord whether or not now was the time for me. Disappointingly, the answer was no. I remember being on my knees one night and asking why, why this blessing was being denied to me at this time. But the Holy Ghost came to me and whispered that it was my choice; I could go now, and it would be good and wonderful and significant. However, if I would wait, perhaps a year, the experience would be everything I dreamed it would be.
So I waited. And every time I wished that I could go to the temple I remembered that I chose to wait, and if I would be patient, no blessing would be denied me.
On Friday, that promise was fulfilled. I am so grateful that so many other young women can receive the blessings of the temple that much sooner. It is a call to be worthy and to be clean and to better fulfill our roles in Heavenly Father's kingdom.
This mission has certainly been a wake-up call for me. I feel that in a way, the Lord has said to me, "I gave you time to do your own thing and have your plans and see how they worked out. But now it's time to step up and play in the big leagues. I need you to grow up and put your hand to the plow and fulfill the work I have for you to do in my kingdom." I have a feeling that in the instant that announcement was made, thousands of young women felt the same way that I did.
As Jeffrey R. Holland said in the press conference after the conference session, "The Lord is hastening his work." I feel a little behind the curve here. I don't know that I would have answered the call at age 19. Heck, I wasn't planning to answer the call at age 21! But I am going now, and that's what matters. It is so exciting to be laboring in the Lord's vineyard in these great times before the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As I told one of my friends today who is working on her mission papers, "We are on the edge of great things."
Yes, we are. And I am grateful to be a part of this work.
Picture from here
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